Prism Awards Nomination Date Extended

By Submitted

The Business Women of Moose Jaw 7th Annual Prism Awards is fast approaching on March 7th, 2020.  The unveiling event will take place on January 17th and we have extended our deadline for nominations till December 22nd. 

I know that each one of us knows a woman or two that should be recognized by her peeps, friends, family and community please take the time to submit the nominee. The nominee and yourself will be invited to attend the unveiling event on January 17th at the Temple Garden Mineral. 

We love the opportunity to showcase and recognize the outstanding women within our community. The event highlights women who have made an impact.  The 5 categories are Perseverance; Role Model; Influential; Successful; Mentor. Plus a category for Youth Achievement and Lifetime Achievement. We are accepting nominations for the 2020 Prism Awards now, and the details can be found on our website. or Facebook page Business Women of Moose Jaw. 

 In 2019 we raised over $9,455 towards the Moose Jaw Transition House, over the past 5 years we have raised over $94,000 for the Moose Jaw Transition House. We want to thank you for this opportunity to highlight a certain individual and raise her up, and celebrate her achievements. 

The tickets for both events are now available for purchase on our website. 

See you on January 17th, 2020. 

Business Women of Moose Jaw. 

moose jaw