Federal All Candidates Forum To Be Held

With the October 21st federal election less than three weeks away and everyone fixated on the Party leaders the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce is hosting an all candidates election forum to allow residents the opportunity to meet the local candidates.

To be held October 15th at the Cosmo Senior Citizens Centre - 235 3rd Avenue NE - from 7 pm - 8:30 pm the 90 minute forum will allow the community to get to know the candidates and their positions on the issues better, said Rob Clark the Chamber's CEO.


The forum will consist of an initial five minutes where candidates have the opportunity to introduce themselves and tell people why they are running to represent the residents of Moose Jaw - Lake Centre - Lanigan in the House of Commons.

The order in which candidates will speak will be determined by a draw just prior to the event.

Following the candidate's five minute introductory remarks there will be questions where each candidate is afforded a two minute opportunity to respond.

The Chamber will also be providing each candidate with three questions prior to the forum so as “to allow them to prepare and provided well informed responses,” Clark said.

Although the three questions are still being formulated they will be questions of local issues and interest, Clark said.

“They will be questions on issues important to the City of Moose Jaw and the riding overall,” Clark said.

For those in attendance there will be the opportunity to also submit questions and have the Forum's moderator ask them on your behalf.

The Forum is scheduled for 90 minutes in duration but there is the possibility it may run longer.

“If it's an engaged discussion and people are being respectful we will continue longer,” Clark said.

During their speeches and answers all candidates will have a bell rung 30 seconds before their allotted speaking time us up.

Following the questions and answers portion of the Forum all candidates will have three minutes to give their closing remarks. The speaking order for the closing remarks will be in reverse order of the opening remarks.

Four out of the five local candidates have confirmed their attendance - Chey Craik for the People's Party of Canada, Talon Regent for the NDP, Cecilia Melanson for the Liberals and Tom Lukiwski for the Conservative Party.

The Green Party of Canada's candidate Gillian Walker has indicated they are unable to attend.

The forum held by the Chamber is one of the few opportunities residents will have to meet most candidates in the same room during the campaign.

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