DFFH Board Has Been Dissolved

Nick Murray

The City of Moose Jaw has decided to dissolve the Downtown Facility & Field House (DFFH) Board of Directors.

(DFFH= Mosaic Place and Yara Centre Field House)

A special meeting of City Council was held on Wednesday August 15, in which a new bylaw was established that authorized City Manager Jim Puffalt to take over the duties of directing personnel and operations as well as reporting on the current state and providing recommendations for future management and governance of the facilities.

Mayor Fraser Tolmie admitted that the decision was not taken lightly.

"However," he said, "the board had to be dissolved due to the potential conflict of interest and perceived influence on a current DFFH personnel investigation."

The bylaw (5565) passed unanimously. The special meeting of City Council that was scheduled for August 16th has since been cancelled.

Councillor Brian Swanson was not in attendance, he had revised himself due to a conflict of interest.

Councillor Crystal Froese also recused herself due to a conflict of interest.

Both councillors are on the DFFH board and it is under investigation.

Councillor Scott McMann made some fiery claims before recusing himself. He questioned as to why the matter was being handled the way it was. He claimed that board members, staff members and citizens of Moose Jaw were being kept in the dark. He claimed the decision was a "miscarriage of justice" before leaving.

Councillor Dawn Luhning disagreed with Councillor McMann.

"In order for the City Manager to do this" she said, "the board needs to be resolved."

For more on City Manager Jim Puffalt click here

To get the scoop on the details of the investigation click here