MP, Tom Lukiwski, on Cannabis Legalization


Robert Thomas

As part of our story into cannabis zoning, MJ Independent asked a series of questions to local leaders.

Read More: Cannabis Zoning Comes with a Few Hiccups

To better understand how the cannabis issue developed in the House of Commons, and his own personal feelings on the issue, we asked local MP Tom Lukiwski a couple of questions.


The first questions asked if the entire issue had not simply been passed onto the Province who in turn passed it into municipal governments?

Lukiwski replied "the legislation always contemplated Provincial involvement with respect to things like distribution, age of consent number and location of retail outlets, etc. I believe this is appropriate."

The second question asked if it shouldn't have been the House of Commons and the Senate's responsibilities to have specified buffers around schools and youth centres.

Lukiwski responded "I believe there should be restrictions as to Cannabis being sold in the close proximity of schools and other youth oriented institutions. I also believe that municipal governments are best suited to enforce these restrictions."

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