Police Present Crime Stats

Robert Thomas

What's the fastest growing crime in Moose Jaw?

According to statistics presented to the Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners by Moose Jaw Police Services (MJPS) thefts over $5000 are up 1000 percent in 2018 and part of a growing trend of increasing crimes against property.

Speaking about the stats Chief Rick Bourassa of MJPS said there has been a 23 percent increase in property crimes while there has been a decrease in crimes against the person.

One area where there had been a significant increase is in the theft of motor vehicles. Chief Bourassa said the force was working to see if there were any patterns in vehicle thefts.

Most break and enter thefts are occurring from detached garages, outbuildings and sheds.

"They are occurring in things not connected to dwellings and businesses," Chief Bourassa told the Commission.

Commissioner Brian Swanson asked about the spike of assaults against police officers which are up from zero last year to eight or an 800 percent increase this year.

Chief Bourassa responded there was "no real trend it just comes and goes in bursts."

He pointed out that four of the assaults happened in one incident outside a local night club (The Crushed Can) where four officers were assaulted in the incident.

Other notable things the stats show is a 700 percent increase in crimes involving methamphetamine. Earlier MJ Independent presented a five part series called Meth in Moose Jaw about the growing problem.

A notable decrease was arson which dropped 80 percent so far this year.

See the raw stats below:

moose jaw