Police Auction on Saturday

Robert Thomas

Want a good deal on an office chair, tools, air conditioners, a kayak and even a scuba tank? Or are you just looking to score other hot deals?

Then take a  trip west down the Trans Canada to Johnstone Auction Mart this Saturday morning for a hot deal on some previously stolen and seized goods as the Moose Jaw Police Services (MJPS) is cleaning out their entire stash.

"It's in part because our current storage facility is full and we have been informed by the City to vacate the building as thru are repurposing it," MJPS Deputy Chief Rick Johns told the Moose Jaw Police Commission

The Commission was told by Johns that some of the property was previously stolen property and "upon conclusion of the case we're stuck with it." While some is found property routinely turned into MJPS.

With the City taking back the storage quonset, MJPS is going to require a new secure facility to store items they are required to hold for a certain amount of time, MJPS Chief Rick Bourassa said.

Johns said a large portion of the stored goods are office furniture replaced at the police station which is likely not to be replaced in the near future.

"A lot of this stuff, once its gone, we don't think we will get a lot of it for awhile."
Before the auction MJPS repaired 100 bicycles and distributed them to Newcomer families.

The auction is Saturday morning starting at 10:30am but you should get their earlier to get a bidder's number if you do not already have one.

Sale items may be previewed Friday afternoon.