Results for Worst Road are in and Moose Jaw is all Over the List

Nick Murray

A lot of Moose Javians have been watching this one closely; and now the results are in.

CAA Saskatchewan released their Final Top Ten roads in the province.

There were a total of 1,782 votes; and it was decided that High Street West, was in fact, the worst road in the province in 2018. 1st Avenue Southeast ended up 7th and 9th Avenue Southwest finished 10th.

The worst roads were ones described as being cracked and crumbling with potholes and craters. Poor signage, traffic congestion, a lack of walking and cycling infrastructure was also taken into account.

Here are the final results

  1. High Street West, Moose Jaw
  2. Saskatchewan 47, Springside
  3. Saskatchewan 350, Torquay
  4. Academy Park Road, Regina
  5. Saskota Flyway/Saskatchewan 9, Hudson Bay
  6. Sidney Avenue, Maple Creek
  7. 1 Avenue SE, Moose Jaw
  8. Saskatchewan 18, Torquay
  9. Saskatchewan 21, Paradise Hill
  10. 9 Avenue SE, Moose Jaw