Provincial Cuts Hit City Hard. Here's What You're Going to Have to Pay.

Robert Thomas 

Just how much the Province’s austerity budgets have hit Moose Jaw’s finances became apparent during debate of the Budget Committee’s proposed budget.

Mayor Frasier Tolmie stated that, in the past two years, the effects of provincial austerity has impacted the City’s finances 22 percent.

In 2017, the provincial cutbacks totalled 18 percent, and further reductions this year accounted for another four percent reduction.

Had nothing been done last year to cut and find efficiencies, the tax increase would have been equivalent to 27 percent, Mayor Tolmie told Council.

Council had initially managed to make significant cuts, only to have to return to the budgeting once much larger than expected cuts from the Province were enacted. There are rumours the Province might have to cut deeper than expected when their budget is announced.

The Mayor stated that Moose Jaw’s 33,000 residents are being hit with a $4.5 million reduction, helping the Province balance it's books.

For anyone without a calculator, that works out to every resident contributing $136.36 to help the Provincial Budget balance in three years time. 

moose jaw