Prairie South School Division Annual Transportation Accountability Report


Robert Thomas

Prairie South School Division received its annual Transportation Accountability Report 

The Division operates 133 bus routes; 120 regular routes and 13 noon hour runs in Moose Jaw. The buses, combined, travel 3,617,708 km annually.

In 2016-2017 the Division transported 2807 children down from 2922 in the previous year. Additionally, 56 Holy Trinity Catholic School Division students and 21 Cornerstone Christian students were transported.

Average rides in Moose Jaw were 18 minutes long, while in rural areas the average ride was 40 minutes long. 

The longest morning bus ride was in Assiniboia, 110 minutes, whereas the shortest ride was in Moose Jaw and one minute in length.

The report stated the division had 170 buses with 133 used on routes with 37 spare buses used as mechanical replacements or for extra or co-curricular trips.

During 2016-2017, buses were involved in 18 accidents. In ten of those accidents the other drivers were at fault. In three of those accidents a bus struck another vehicle. n two of them  a bus struck a fixed object. Three of those accidents were animal strikes. Total damages assessed to the Division were $793.10.

The report was received and filed.

moose jaw