Province Invests in Home Care Individualized Funding


Positive news for Saskatchewanians in need of access to Home Care Individualized Funding.

More residents will now have access to Home Care Individualized Funding. The province is investing an additional $1.2 million annually to expand the Individualized Funding option. The goal is to reduce wait lists and assist with creating capacity within the existing home care program.

Home Care Individualized Funding provides funding directly to home care clients (or their caregivers) to arrange and manage their own supportive care services, including hiring their own staff and scheduling their staff when they want service. The Home Care Individualized Funding option for Home Care currently serves 128 individuals across the province.

About it Health Minister Jim Reiter said “Individualized Funding allows home care clients more choice and flexibility. The additional funding will give more people more choice for what best suits their individual needs.”

For more information, including eligibility and how to apply for Home Care Individualized Funding, visit

The funding for this investment is coming from the Canada-Saskatchewan Bilateral Funding Agreement. Announced in January 2017, the federal government is providing Saskatchewan with close to $350 million over 10 years for targeted incremental investments in home and community care and mental health and addiction services. Of the $348.8 million, an estimated $190 million will support improved home and community care services.