City Seeks Trash Talk
The City of Moose Jaw would like to remind residents they have until December 2nd to have their views and opinions known when it comes to solid waste or garbage.
The City is seeking resident feedback when it comes to developing a Solid Waste Management Master Plan (SWMMP). The SWMMP when completed will encompass every aspect of solid waste when it comes to the creation of garbage, the collection of garbage and the final disposal of garbage or solid waste.
Already a public information session was held and attendees of a recent Moose Jaw Warriors hockey game were able to learn more about the plans and voice their opinion but the City wants as many residents as possible to express their opinion.
The public consultation process is to identify the needs, wants and current practices of residents and businesses related to solid waste management.
Some of the questions asked by the survey are:
What are the most important factors the City should consider when developing a Solid Waste Management Master Plan?
Are you currently satisfied with the current options for waste, recycling and composting?
What new options should the City explore?
The survey also deals with the current landfill and its replacement. The current landfill has an estimated five years of life until a replacement is needed.
To fill out the survey online the link is
An approximate 22 minute narrated version of the presentation may be viewed at