Hearts&Knives New Single Takes Shot at Trump
Nick Murray
Regina electro-synth rockers, Hearts&Knives are producing well-tested music; only they've chosen an interesting medium by which to bring that music to the masses. And within that medium they spared no time in going after the (arguably) most powerful man in the world: Donald Trump
They band is committed to doing away with the full length album; the long-time standard for recorded music, convinced that albums will soon be relics of the past. Frontman and key songwriter Steven Eisler is a man with the future, and some politicians, in his crosshairs.
"The album is pretty much dead in my opinion" he said, adding "people no longer have to purchase the entire album for 10 bucks or so just to get the one or two songs they love."
He became convinced of this after watching a documentary called Artifact, which was directed by the actor/recording artist Jared Leto, and detailed his band's (Thirty Seconds to Mars) legal dispute with their record label, EMI.
Hearts&Knives is Robert Lane and Steven Eisler
"Originally, we planned on releasing all five songs as an EP" He said, adding "I made the conscious decision to release each song as a single every two months; basically to stay relevant over a longer period of time whilst recording even more singles in the process."
Furthermore, Eisler stated "I truly feel this is the best way to go forward as a new artist...or for us at least.”
Hearts&Knives has a sound similar to Depeche Mode or Joy Division. It's rock music that is unafraid of incorporating keyboards. The first of the singles they released, “Braggadoccio”, came out on August 24th and it is certainly political.
"It was originally meant to be a shot at the current President of the United States, Donald Drumpf, erm, Trump. However" he said, adding that "like any song it can mean whatever you want it to mean for the listener."
Eisler pulls no punches, singing:
"You shake your fist in the air/ you're looking worse for wear/
pulling facts outta the air/ the public's in a scare/
seems that we're on to you/ we've had enough of you/
from your point of view/ and all you claim to be true"
But even for Eisler, the song has morphed into something more than just an attack on the President; something deeper, that anyone can relate to.
"I have found myself thinking of various other people who I deem boastful or arrogant while performing the song live, and not necessarily just Donald" he admitted.
The track has an ethereal almost Gothic sound to it that evokes a nostalgia for the 80's. Like it would have blended perfectly on the Lost Boys soundtrack alongside Echo & The Bunnymen and "Cry Little Sister". It even comes complete with the thick strumming of chords and a Dark Side of the Moon-esque guitar solo.
Hearts&Knives currently consists of Eisler and and bassist Robert Lane. Eisler started the project in 2014 after fronting a pair of other projects (The Jovial Push and Steisler). The band has had various members over the years and typically plays live with more than just the two of them.
Their game plan is to release five different songs, one every two months.
The songs are being recorded and produced in Regina with David Roman at Roman Empire Studios.
They are booked to play at Cloud 9 on Saturday September 22nd, sharing the stage with Odder Than Otters and Jaecy Bells.
You can find “Braggadoccio” and any further releases from Hearts&Knives on iTunes, Spotify and BandCamp or you can check it out right here first.