Fairies, Dinosaurs And Reptiles Take Over The Fair

It’s a world of make believe accompanied by a lesson as the Adventure Wranglers have returned to the Moose Jaw Home Town Fair.

This time around the fair provided for fair goers to consume remains the tried and true shows have been reworked, expanded and more attractive than the company’s last visit.

The company offers three shows this year in the Golden Nugget Building.

The three shows offered are:

  • Adventure Wranglers Reptile Show

  • Blast From The Past Dinosaur Show

  • Learning Fairy Magic Show

The shows are geared for a variety of audiences.

“We get all different kinds of audiences. We’ve gone to old folks homes before. It for all ages,” Elisa Wilkie said.

The green fairy (right) blows bubbles to the delight of the blue fairy - MJ Independent photo

The newest, and also the most popular show for audiences, the Fairy Magic Show is geared towards children between one years to five years old.

“But then again my nine and eleven year old absolutely love Learning Fairy Magic with me,” Wilkie said.

The message the new Learning Fairy Magic show is where the Fairies talk about how it’s OK to fail and you might just succeed later on if you keep trying and trying.

The Adventure Wranglers Reptile Show will be anything than cold blooded as a menagerie of live reptiles make their appearance.

The Reptile Show will feature two tortoises - part of the nine animals featured in the show - but neither has appeared at the fair before.

The fairies needed extra help - MJ Independent photo

“We like to switch it up so people get to meet new guests. Just like we like to switch up our dinosaurs.”

Asked how many fairs she takes her three shows to annually Wilkie said it was hard to keep track of the number but that it was “many fairs.”

“We go to small towns and big towns. When you are just starting out and starting out doing Fairies you don’t really know what to expect.”

Wilke has been involved with providing presentations to fairs and other events for a dozen years.

“Expanding gives me an excuse to be at more fairs now.”

Adding three more dinosaurs to the dinosaur show extended the show and the move was made to spilt the reptile show from the dinosaur show.

A volunteer is surrounded by a massive bubble - MJ Independent photo

“Its hard to compact eight reptiles and seven dinosaurs all into one show and keep everybody still sitting still interested.”

Wilkie said the shows are time wise geared to last half an hour so as not to exceed the audience’s comfort zone.

“The shows include the opportunity for a meet and great and do pictures with the kids. Let them see everything up close and get personal with them,” she said.

For children the most popular things in the shows are the fairies, the snakes in the reptile show and the baby T-Rex in the dinosaur show.

“People have gotten to know us over the years and really got to know our company as the family event it is,” Wilkie said.

Although entertainment the shows carry a message. There are different messages in each show but all of them are geared to helping the environment.

Children dance with the fairies - MJ Independent photo

For the reptiles show there is a message of proper pet ownership.

“(The message is) make sure you educate yourself. You chose your pets and your pets don’t chose you. You chose them. Chose something you can love for their entire life,” she said. “Don’t trust Google for all their info because it’s not always right. Find an expert talk to an expert.”

The dinosaur teaches children as cool as it would be if you find a fossil don’t try to go and harvest it yourself. It’s something palaeontologists really struggle with that is people actually breaking things apart trying to get them out of the ground.

“Always that message even with the fairies helping the environment. Cleaning up after yourself or even just trying again,” Wilkie said.

A dinosaur is petted by an audience member - MJ Independent photo

The message of the Fairies Show is one of not giving up but try and try again until you succeed.

“I’m finding a lot of younger kids struggle with failing and just stopping trying. So we want kids to try again,” she said.

The Fairies Show is only been on the road for a single year but has expanded as far away as BC.

“You will be able to see fairies all across western Canada.”

The company puts on private shows and performs at fairs in BC as well as Saskatchewan.

Checking out a baby dinosaur - MJ Independent photo

Wilkie said Moose Jaw has a special place for them.

“We love the crowd. They’re a wonderful crowd to be around and kids are always so fun to interact with.”

Between the shows - so long as the weather cooperates - will see the Fairies and even a dinosaur out on the grounds.

There are six more opportunities to catch the Adventure Wranglers Reptile Show:

Saturday - 1 pm 3 pm and 7 pm

Sunday - 1 pm 2:30 pm and 6 pm

A T-Rex showed up - MJ Independent photo

The Prairie Fairies Show will make two more appearances at the Moose Jaw Home Town Fair:

Saturday - 5 pm

Sunday - 4 pm

All shows are indoors in the Golden Nugget Building.

A child pets a baby dinosaur - MJ Independent photo

moose jaw