SCRAPS - MJ Sends An Appeal To Pet Owners

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

Today a concerned gentleman who is searching for his missing Cat reached out to SCRAPS directly after posting on several sites.

We had the opportunity to speak with him & address his concerns.

We are thankful he is in fact worried about his lost Cat & is actively searching & exploring all avenues. We wish him & all those with lost animals their safe return.

We would also like to take this opportunity to make everyone aware that SCRAPS’ focus is helping homeless & feral Cats in our community & surrounding areas that need our help.

We post any tame Cats we take into our care (our main focus is the feral population) on our Facebook as well as share this information by tagging our local shelter, rescues/clinics. Everyone is microchip/tattoo & ID checked.

We do NOT steal peoples’ pets.

Currently we are nearing 150 Cats in our foster care system & countless others we support in colonies.

We desperately are needing foster homes to help us care for them.

These homeless Cats & kittens are the result of abandonment, free roaming of unaltered pets who are reproducing & owners not taking the critical responsibility to spay & neuter their pets.

We are very happy when families approach us regarding their lost Cats & are willing to help by even posting on our Facebook page (that has a wide audience often reaching thousands of people)to help in their searches.

SCRAPS encourages pet parents to please protect your Cats by not allowing them to free roam in the outdoor world where many dangers exist.

Injuries/deaths frequently result with situations such as vehicle mishaps, encounters with other Cats/dogs and yes, predators.

There are toxic substances/plants as well as humans that can also endanger the lives of Cats (fines/jail time can result from this). It is a dangerous world out there.

There are sadly, also far too many homeless Cats & kittens who in many communities across our country who are euthanized for the simple fact that there are NOT enough homes.

Please ….. do not add to a crisis that TNR groups run by volunteers such as SCRAPS are working so very hard to control.

PLEASE ….. spay/neuter your Cats & offer them safe outdoor experiences whenever possible.

You are not keeping them from living a fun, fulfilled life - you are in fact keeping them SAFE & giving the a greater chance of being able to enjoy a healthier & longer life.

PLEASE, keep them safe ……. it depends on YOU.


moose jaw