Riding The Rails In Steam - Photo Essay

Photos and Text by Robert Thomas

It’s likely the shortest railway run in the province but it’s for sure the only steam locomotive operational in Saskatchewan and it’s located right here in Moose Jaw at the Western Development Museum.

The ride is bumpy, noisy and full of excitement reminiscent of the hundreds of thousands of settlers who headed west on the rails to the Prairies to claim their homestead and start a new life.

It’s time to get all aboard the K & S Potash Canada Short Line 101 as passengers step back in time presented in beautiful black and white.

ALL ABOARD - The conductor blows his whistle - MJ Independent photo

WAITING FOR PASSENGERS - the train waits at the station - MJ Independent photo

Open For Coal - The engineer opens the fire door on the steam engine for the fireman to shovel more coal into as the engine sits at the station building steam - MJ Independent photo

The fireman (left) and the engineer sit ready for another trip as the fire box is full of coal and the train is ready to go - MJ Independent photo

The conductor (top right) explains the mechanics of taking a ride on a steam locomotive - MJ Independent photo

The train vents steam heading into a curve - MJ Independent photo

Disembarking at the end of the ride - MJ Independent photo

The Short Line 101 will be running every Saturday and Sunday until the first weekend of September.

moose jaw