♥️”Man” - Cat’s Best Friend!…..

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

SCRAPS is Calling all “Cat Guys” to tell us your stories!

Once upon a time there was a lonely Tom Cat who wandered the neighbourhood all alone.

Just like all the other homeless Cats, he had no one to care about him.

Just one black Cat on his own trying to survive in the big world that was not kind to him.

Like so many sad others like him he often found himself cold/hot, hungry, always trying to find food/shelter and protect those things when he finally was lucky to discover them.

This poor boy was also at times the “loser” in his interactions with other male Cats as he defended his territory.

People often also made very scary noises to frighten him away when he tried to pull out that tasty leftover morsel found in a garbage can or as he attempted to take what little shelter he could find under steps, in sheds or under cars.

People were so, so scary.

With his torn up ears, bloody wounds, swollen cheeks, dirty, tattered fur and those terrified, dull eyes that almost appeared to have given up …. this poor boy looked pretty scary himself….

Then an absolutely amazing thing happened ….

A Scaredy, black, struggling Cat met an unexpected friend.

This friend was a human.

At first the human seemed very scary like all the others …. but before long a relationship began to evolve between a formerly uncared for black Cat and a guy who sensed this furry fellow needed a friend - someone to help.

The guy contacted SCRAPS and before long we had “Farel” in our care.

Farel was so scared but life was changing for this Cat so quickly & things were getting so much BETTER - he just didn’t know it yet!

Off Farel went to SCRAPS veterinarian partners at MJ Animal Clinic where the vet noted that this Cat was “very, very wild”.

Supurr scary in fact!

He was sedated, examined, wounds treated, neutered,vaccinated, tattooed, & dewormed - the usual SCRAPS “full meal deal”!

After a recovery, he was released back to the care of his new friend.

This outdoor Cat was so happy to be finally back in his old environment which would before long become his HOME……

These days, Farel lives the Purrfect life of a pampered Cat with his best friend Jeff.

Over time, trust developed & a once scaredy Cat made his way into the home & heart of this “Cat Guy”.

Farel now is cared for, loved & spends his winters contentedly lounging - warm & cozy indoors with his past life a very distant memory.

Are you a “Cat Guy”? Send us your story and be featured in one of our next episodes of “MAN - Cat’s Best Friend”!

For more information contact us at 306/684-9048

moose jaw