“Free Kittens” are NOT FREE

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

TAILS OF TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) …….

“Free kittens” are NOT FREE😥

Pet ownership is a significant personal and financial responsibility.

Spay and neuter of your pet is a critical part of guardianship that prevents unwanted litters that ultimately add to an already serious overpopulation problem.

Kittens don’t stay small for very long and adopting an adorable older kitten or Cat that has already been altered, microchipped & fully vaccinated is the perfect solution for families on a tight budget!

Please Spay and neuter - there are NOT enough homes.

Support SCRAPS TNR Program and help us humanely reduce populations and ultimately cats and kittens struggling to survive.

Your donations help save lives! E-transfer your financial support to scraps-mj@hotmail.com.

SCRAPS is a registered non profit charity. Tax receipts are available.

For more information text or call (306) 684-9048 .

moose jaw