A Day At The Hometown Fair Contest Winners Had Great Day
As part of our Hometown Fair Contest we asked the winner to provide us with a selfie and brief write up - it is below.
Submitted By Erin Brown
We want to give a huge thank you to everyone who donated to the home town fair prize that we had the pleasure of winning this year! This could not have come at a better time and we are just so grateful!
We ended up using only 3 of the entry and ride tickets so we donated the fourth ticket to another family to use.
My son was able to bring a friend with him and I was able to use one to go on some of the rides with the boys. This prize did not just benefit one family, it benefited three! We thank you for that!
Left, Ryder Koch, middle Levi Brown, right Kohen Mcnabb
We started our day right at 12 noon and we stayed until 10:30 pm.
The boys chose “the rock star” as their first ride and never looked back! They rode almost every ride multiple times. Met up with some great friends, played a few games, watched some amazing shows and entertainment, had some great food and many laughs!
Left Levi brown, right Ryder Koch
We would like to express our gratitude to the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company for providing us with our passes, the concession run by Super Meats Catering for providing us with a very generous gift card that fed and watered us all day.
And also provided snacks for not only my son and his friend but a few other lucky kids at the end of the evening!
The staff was very friendly and super courteous! We would also like to thank any anonymous donors and the Moose Jaw independent for running the contest.
Left Ryder Koch, middle Kohen Mcnabb, right Levi Brown
You made a lot of people very happy! Thanks again!
We want to give a huge thank you to everyone who donated to the home town fair prize that we had the pleasure of winning this year! This could not have come at a better time and we are just so grateful!