The Parade Is Back!!! Bring On The Hometown Fair!!! (photo assignment)
Photos and Text By Robert Thomas
After a two year hiatus the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair Parade returned to Moose Jaw.
The following are photos taken along the parade route. The mood on the route was one of being happy to finally being able to get outside and after two years of the COVID - 19 pandemic and the restrictions it put on people’s lives.
A large appreciative crowd came out to see the parade
Wa - Wa Shriners prep their cars in the parade staging area
Moose Jaw Navy League Cadets wait for the parade to start
Two young parade participants wait in the parade marshalling area on the Doris Sitter float
A last minute chat with a parade participant on the Dance Images float
MLAs Greg Lawrence (left) and Tim McLeod walked the parade route
Spiderman made an appearance
Young children were excited by the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair Parade
Councillor Heather Eby was all smiles out with the grandkids
Dance Images cheered up a storm
Hunger In Moose Jaw took their dogs on the parade route to the delight of the kids
The Shriners and their small cars had a young child full of smiles
Bruce Richards with the Moose Jaw Shrine Club was driving the train
Karla Rasmussen (right) , from the Western Development Museum, along with a friend walked the parade route in 1950’s classic garb
Cheer Infinity’s entrants wore capes keeping with the parade’s hero theme
Three children watch the parade go by
There seemed to be a never ending stream of Shriners in their cars
Mayor Clive Tolley biked the parade route
Many children were in awe at the parade
Mr Circus, who will be performing throughout the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair, thrilled the crowd with his colourful ribbon twirling skills
Moose Jaw Diversified Services had a Moose Jaw Warriors theme
What is a parade without some horses???
Na na na na na Batman!!! Batman!!!
Moose Jaw Search and Rescue
The Red Hat Ladies added some colour to the parade
Gisele with the Red Hat Ladies was all smiles
Bill Nichols had his rat rod out again for another parade appearance
Gymtastiks brought out a mini gym
The City of Moose Jaw had lifeguards on their parade entry
A Hometown Fair is not complete without horses
Never step into the street the Shriners will surround you
Moose Jaw Co-op thanked frontline workers