Sadly Hemmingway The Cat Has Passed Away

He was an older cat who spent the majority of his life as a stray which saw an outpouring of support when his story is told.

Sadly Hemmingway has passed away in this update from SCRAPS - MJ.

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

“He is dying- it’s not known how long Hemmingway has left. He has Feline leukemia & likely he has had it for a while. His time is short”……..

Things were looking far from positive but SCRAPS so much wanted to give this sweet boy, who had been wandering & uncared for so long, an opportunity to have a home of his own & experience LOVE. We set out to make this happen as time was short…….

August 13/2021 - the day you came into SCRAPS care - a heartbreaking picture of despair, beaten, injured, starving, weakly hobbling on 3 legs & ill , yet there seemed a resigned look of relief to your capture & ultimate rescue from the obvious suffering you had endured for so long …….

The short months we would have with you was a lifetime in yours thanks to your foster mama & soon - forever adoptive guardian that was determined to give you the best days - however long that was. Thank you Carol for giving Hemmingway that gift.

Finally, sweet boy - you had found your way home. In the sanctity of safety & quiet, you never missed a moment as you absorbed all those fun times playing with your young friend, enjoying all the tasty food you had ever wanted without any limit, & having endless cozy cuddle moments with your forever mama Carol. You Squeezed a lifetime of memorable experiences & love into 7 amazing months Hemmingway!

March 16/2022 - today was the sad day sweet Hemmingway was found by his beloved guardian Carol appearing peacefully asleep. This however was not a regular sleep but one where a former unloved & uncared for Cat peacefully took his last breath after having experienced the best of the world saved for last.

What a lesson for all of us - cherish every day, make the most of every moment & ultimately leave for another place fulfilled & without regret …… run free Hemmingway from all those who loved you.

“When I get to where I’m going on the far side of the sky, the first thing that I’m going to do is spread my wings and fly”!

~ Brad Paisley ~

moose jaw