Exhibition Briefs For January 2022

There was a lot of optimism although it was tempered with realism of the fact COVID - 19 restrictions might have more of an effect upon the operations of the Moose Jaw and District Exhibition Company as the board met this past Tuesday night.

Hometown Fair 2022 Edition

The board discussed how plans were progressing regarding the Fair which due to COVID has not operated for two years.

The Board heard West Coast Amusements was planning to head out onto the Fair Circuit this year.

it all depends on the pandemic or rather the restrictions around it and if that will effect having a Fair this year or not.

The Board also heard the Midway would be charging an additional $5 this year to help offset higher fuel and operational costs. It is something the Exhibition Company is working with the Midway to hopefully reduce.

Fair Entertainment

The Board heard the plans for entertainment planned for the 2022 Moose Jaw Hometown Fair.

George Fowler, Moose Jaw Exhibition General Manager said there was plenty of entertainment out there but at the same time they are being careful with bookings.

He said they are extremely careful right now with paying deposits to promoters or performers in case they go out of business before the Fair.

The Fair is also looking for smaller acts as Fairgoers of today are more interested in the Midway and the food and the days of expensive headliners was now gone with changing consumer demand.

If all goes well the Fair plans to have a very popular attraction to take part in the parade as well as the Fair itself.

Three Events Cancel

Three events - Sukanen Ship flea market, the Moose Jaw Motorcycle Swap meet and SCRAPS - MJ Trade Show, have all cancelled for 2022 due to concerns the pandemic may interfere with their events.

Fowler said for many groups it would mean start spending money now and end up losing it if the pandemic mandates were to close large gatherings.

Fowler said the Exhibition will work with the groups to facilitate their holding events at a later date.

Gun Show Still On Target

The annual gun show is still a go despite the restrictions with the organizers able to run the event in such a way it will also be able to offer a concession.

The event will at this time require proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID - 19 test.

Everyone To Wear Masks

Fowler told the Board that the practice of allowing those 17 and under to not wear masks while riding indoors is being rescinded.

He said it was often hard to determine if someone was 16 or 21 plus Sask Health was not seeing horse riding to be a spirt.

To escape the confusion and not have events or be fined it had been decided everyone now had to wear masks at indoor events.

Who Is Responsible???

The Board heard a report about the COVID - 19 mandate and restrictions about who was responsible to ensure the guidelines were met.

Fowler said the Province had indicated it was the responsibility of the people hold the event.

The rental agreements have been looked at and the mandate responsibilities for renters will be clearly stated and explained.

No Concession Seating

The Board also heard the concession at the Golden Mile can operate but anyone buying a drink, snack or other food will no longer be able to use the indoor concession eating area (Corral Room). Instead they are allowed to go and seat themselves in the grandstands and then eat.

Under the mandates people's bottoms must be firmly planted in the bleachers and people cannot remove their masks to eat or drink standing up next to the boards.

Fowler said he was also informed the mandates also mean a person cannot wander with their mask removed and drinking or eating. They MUST be firmly seated in the bleachers to do so.

To help facilitate these rules tables and chairs will be removed from the Corral Room.

moose jaw