Support For Family Members Of Individuals Affected By Crystal Meth

Submitted By - the Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee

Addiction to crystal meth not only affects the individual but has great impact on family members.

Since the launch of the locally filmed documentary “Stop Mething Around” in June 2021, the Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee has received inquiries from affected family members, all with the same questions:

“What can we do?” and “Where can we get help?”.

The MJCMSC recognizes that family members are integral in the recovery journey of an individual who is dependent on crystal meth and are working, in partnership with Shaw Spotlight, on a second part to “Stop Mething Around” – this time focusing on education and support for family members.

The second video is scheduled to be launched in November during Addictions Awareness week.

In addition, the MJCMSC is partnering with Square One Community Inc. to deliver a Lunch and Learn presentation to support family members of individuals affected by crystal meth.

The presentation will take place on September 23 and registration is free.

Key messages for family members:

  • Learn about crystal meth, its effects and how it impacts the mind, behavior and body.

  • Learn about local supports, resources and treatment options. Treatment is needed for safe detox and long-lasting recovery in the future.

  • Addiction is a family disorder

  • Recovery only starts with the person recognizing they have a problem and want to get better

  • Know your boundaries and limits. There’s a balance between being supportive and doing things that unknowingly keep the person from experiencing natural consequences (‘enabling’) of their addiction.

  • Honor your feelings. You may experience fear, frustration, hopelessness, shame, guilt, anger and other feelings.

  • Take care of yourself emotionally, socially and physically

  • Getting support for yourself through professional help or peer groups can be helpful, even if your loved one is not in treatment or recovery.

  • Try to keep up with family life, activities and events.

  • There’s hope. Recovery is possible.

  • For local assistance in Moose Jaw and area please call Mental Health and Addictions Intake at 306 691 6464 and ask about the Matrix family support program.

Who are we?

The Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee is a network of several human service organizations and community members that are interested in promoting awareness on the dangers and preventing the use of crystal meth. 2021 is the year to ‘SPREAD THE WORD ON METH’ and the committee is asking for assistance from community members.

Please follow us on Instagram @mjcrystalmethstrategy and join the Facebook page and group (Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee). Community members can help by sharing the daily posts so we can SPREAD THE WORD ON METH!!

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The presentation will take place on September 23 and registration is free.

Key messages for family members:

  • Learn about crystal meth, its effects and how it impacts the mind, behavior and body.

  • Learn about local supports, resources and treatment options. Treatment is needed for safe detox and long-lasting recovery in the future.

  • Addiction is a family disorder

  • Recovery only starts with the person recognizing they have a problem and want to get better

  • Know your boundaries and limits. There’s a balance between being supportive and doing things that unknowingly keep the person from experiencing natural consequences (‘enabling’) of their addiction.

  • Honor your feelings. You may experience fear, frustration, hopelessness, shame, guilt, anger and other feelings.

  • Take care of yourself emotionally, socially and physically

  • Getting support for yourself through professional help or peer groups can be helpful, even if your loved one is not in treatment or recovery.

  • Try to keep up with family life, activities and events.

  • There’s hope. Recovery is possible.

  • For local assistance in Moose Jaw and area please call Mental Health and Addictions Intake at 306 691 6464 and ask about the Matrix family support program.

Who are we?

The Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee is a network of several human service organizations and community members that are interested in promoting awareness on the dangers and preventing the use of crystal meth. 2021 is the year to ‘SPREAD THE WORD ON METH’ and the committee is asking for assistance from community members.

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Please follow us on Instagram @mjcrystalmethstrategy and join the Facebook page and group (Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee). Community members can help by sharing the daily posts so we can SPREAD THE WORD ON METH!!

moose jaw