Feline Friday - On The Road Again....

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

We salute our friends at “Hardline Transport” & all transportation companies & their drivers who are riding it out for all of us & keeping it all going through COVID-19.

The days of 2021 continue to fly past & fast. SCRAPS again flips another page of our “Rescue Me 2021 fundraising Calendar”& closes off the end of the first day of May. Spring has sprung & despite the challenges we have experienced now for over a year we welcome this time of sunshine, renewal & growth.

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This month we want to recognize the unsung heros in the trucking industry who have continued to move essential products & the food that Canadian’s & people around the world depend on. Despite the many challenges created by the pandemic, dedicated men & women continue to climb behind the wheel daily to maintain the lifeline that holds our society together.

These are the individuals on the front lines that have been delivering essential goods & services required by grocery stores, hospitals as well as our own homes. Despite unprecedented changes & challenges they have continued to drive across our country keeping supply chains moving when so much has shut down.

We bring a special tribute to our friends and partners Mike & Christen of Hardline Transport. Despite leading extremely busy lives operating a vital company in an important transportation hub amidst the challenges of a pandemic, Christen & Mike have not hesitated to help homeless Cats. Partnering with SCRAPS TNR program they have helped improve the lives of Community Cats & kittens (some of whom now live the great life in their care)!

Special “Thank You” goes out again to Brice Photography, Wolfen Photography & those supporters who purchased a “Rescue Me” calendar this year. Limited copies are still available for only $10 at “9 Lives Boutique” - Town n Country Mall.

Helping & Rescue truly comes full circle as we honour all those whose fearless dedication continues to support our communities during this pandemic. We all have learned by now that Heros really do wear masks and it begins with each one of us!

If you would like to purchase a keepsake copy of our tribute calendar please contact us at:

306/684-9048 or 306/692-1399.

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