Feline Friday - Foster Needs A Furever Home

Submitted By SCRAPS - MJ

Looking to add a new member to your family? We’d love to introduce “Foster”.....

Foster is a handsome silky, & proud DSH tabby boy. He is a curious Cat who can often be seen sitting in the window watching the bird chatter activity outside. Although Foster isn’t the Cat who enjoys being a lap warmer, he is always there to take his spot at the end of your bed in the evening. Did we mention he will do anything for treats?!

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Foster is very social & friendly with the other Cats in his household and is there to provide support and comfort to any scared newcomers. He without hesitation shows compassion to any furry feline friends.

Foster is a young adult altered male. He is vaccinated,& has a SCRAPS tattoo ID. This fellow is healthy & content and the last thing on his list is a home of his own!

If you would like to arrange a meet & greet with Foster please contact us at 306/684-9048.

moose jaw