Regina Folk Festival For 2021 Cancelled

It is one of the most popular outdoor events in Saskatchewan with many people from Moose Jaw attending but for the second year in a row the Regina Folk Festival has been cancelled due to the COVID - 19.

The Festival is reaching out to those who had purchased tickets for the 2020 festival and asked that their tickets be applied to the now cancelled 2021 festival. The Festival is offering full refunds but is asking 2020 ticket purchasers to consider donating the tickets to the Festival to use in order to help insure the continuance of the Festival for many years in the future.

All ticket holders that the Festival have contact information for will be contacted directly with these options.

If you purchased a “You had to be there” ticket for 2020 on our 2019 festival site, the Festival may not have captured your contact info, so please get in touch with the festival at 306-757-0308 or

moose jaw