When Life Gives You Lemons You Grow Them

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It might be the strangest site to see for many in Moose Jaw but yes it is true you can actually grow lemons indoors during the winter.

The following specimen is from a lemon tree owned by Antje Woelbern from right here in Moose Jaw.

According to Woelbern this is not the first lemon the tree has produced and although it only produces a single lemon at a time the taste is out of this world.

The tree will usually have four or five lemons on it with all but one lemon falling off allowing the plant to put all of it energies into a single fruit which is much larger than the majority of lemons for sale at local grocery stores.

The fruit starts out as green and then turns white before transitioning into the yellow we all know from lemons at the store.

A secret to its growth is that it loves the perfect sun it gets in the front window of E-Z-TECH COMPUTERS.

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