SCRAPS Adoptables Returns With A Diamond In The Rough

Submitted by SCRAPS

Presenting “Lyra”......

I think we’ve all heard of a diamond in the rough. That’s the best way to describe Lyra. This little one was born outdoors and was a very fearful little cat. Over time this shy girl began to come out of her shell & was ultimately adopted. After her owner passed away she was rescued yet a second time by SCRAPS from a very traumatic situation. This little Cats’ confidence that had built up over so long was crushed. Now we were starting over...

That’s where SCRAPS amazing foster homes come in! These endlessly patient guardians can do Remarkable things to gain the trust of these scared animals. Their fear is most often well warranted.

Lyra is a diamond emerging from the ruins. She has become the most amazing little Cat. Her foster mom Christine who is one of SCRAPS invaluable & life-saving Cat whispers describes Lyra.....

lyra cat march 19.jpg

Lyra.... “Loves open, screened windows and chattering with the birds. She has just recently discovered water fountains and she may never be going go back to drinking out of a regular bowl! She is crazy about Cat trees and can’t get enough of Cat grass”.

Christine has worked tirelessly to rebuild trust with this sweet Cat. “Lyra has come such a long way from being the scared kitty hissing from across the room to the biggest cuddler ever. She just can’t get enough cuddling! She is truly a GEM”

Lyra really needs a home. She needs a home that will love her forever and be patient in the early days as she again adjusts. She has been uprooted so many times. This needs to be the win

She will be just the same cat that she is now in her foster home. She like so many of our kittens and cats rescued from the streets need gentle care, patients and love.

Are you Lyra’s new family? For more information on this sweetest little Diamond, Contact SCRAPS at 306-684-9048.

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