SCRAPS - Introducing Your Outdoor Feline Neighbours

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

TAILS OF TNR - FERAL FACES....we thought you’d like to meet some of your outdoor neighbours!❤️ ............

One of the main goals of TNR is supporting community cats in their outdoor homes.

With spay/neuter, vaccine protection against disease including rabies, shelter, food and oversight, the Cats you see are thriving outdoors under SCRAPS colony care.

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These are the faces of some of Moose Jaws’ Community Cats. These are “ your” Cats - Just a snapshot of a few that you support when you generously donate, attend our events, shop at our “9 Lives Boutique” or even put those spare coins into the SCRAPS donation boxes you see throughout town. These are the lives that are improved when you donate your recycling or buy “Pizza Fur Paws” vouchers.

Remember TNR?

T - trap (we humanely capture)
N - Neuter (spay, vaccine, tattoo ID, vet exam, treat)
R - return/rehome (support in their outdoor homes)

Less fearful adults and kittens are taken into our foster program where dedicated volunteers prepare them for fur ever homes - an amazing labour of love!❤️ADOPT a SCRAPS Cat or kitten and you’ll open a space in a foster home so that another homeless animal will have an opportunity at an amazing life!

TNR saves lives. Cats are healthier, live more contentedly & are better neighbours, and most importantly - no more kittens! Colonies stabilize & are reduced over time.

Want to be part of something amazing and make a real difference? Support SCRAPS TNR program where you’ll save generations!

For more information on how to become involved and be part of the Amazing SCRAPS Team contact us at 306/693-0718 or 306/684-9048.

moose jaw