WDM Holding Information Session Saturday Afternoon

If you ever wanted to be part of history or at least help to preserve and promote it then Saturday afternoon at 2 pm is a good time to get out to the Western Development Museum as they are offering their fourth annual targeted information and recruitment session.

Karla Rasmussen, education and public promotions coordinator at the WDM, said the day is not just about the recruitment of volunteers but it is also an opportunity to learn how the WDM system works in a Moose Jaw specific fashion.

There are boundless ways volunteers can help out and assist the WDM in its mission to present the rich history of the region.

Areas where people are being sought could be as varied as working with the public right up to helping with restorations of artifacts in the local WDM’s collection.

Examples of where the local WDM could use help might be in greeting visitors, or special events helpers where you get to do such demonstrations as churning butter, making crafts or games, or perhaps a tour guide where you guide visitors through a provided script to a better understanding of the exhibits at the museum. Or perhaps helping safely ensuring passengers on the museum’s signature train enjoy the ride.

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When it comes to maintenance jobs the local WDM has a need.

“Anybody who likes to work with their hands does very well here,” Rasmussen said.

There are benefits of volunteering at the WDM such as meeting new people, developing new skills and helping out with a resume that may need some active experience all well “helping to keep history alive.”

An additional benefit for all volunteers is they and a guest get to visit the WDM for free at all times including most special events.

“The museum is always a great place to visit. If you like history it is a great place to volunteer,” she said.

As part of Saturday’s presentation people are encouraged to ask questions. Questions such as the real reason the WDM shortline train always sounds its highly distinctive whistle.

Western Development Museum’s information and recruitment session starts at 2 pm January 18 at the WDM located at 50 Diefenbaker Drive.

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