City Hall Staff Give Back To The Community
City employees present a cheque to the Moose Jaw Humane Society
Have you noticed City Hall staff dressed in a manner you might think casual? Was it on a Friday?
If so do not be alarmed as it was all a part of a charity drive by the employees at City Hall.
A donation is made to Riverside Mission
Over the last three years staff at City Hall have paid for the right to hold a Dress Down Friday with all funds raised going to various community charities. This is not money donated by the City but by the employees at City Hall. It is an effort by the City of Moose Jaw’s Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Committee that allows City Hall employees to give back financially to the community.
Recently the funds were distributed to the three local community groups which make things better within the city. The Moose Jaw Humane Society received the 2016 funds of $1,046.50. Hunger in Moose Jaw received $636 for 2017. And Riverside Mission received $1,267.50 for 2018.
Donation made to Hunger in Moose Jaw
In 2018 the Treasury Department of the City’s Financial Department began a community outreach pilot program to allow staff to give back to community organizations while at the same time gaining personal and professional skills.
In December staff spent time at Hunger in Moose Jaw as well as the Moose Jaw Humane Society.
City Hall employee spends time with the animals at the Moose Jaw Humane Society as part of the outreach program