Valley View Property Being Destroyed By Thieves And Trespassers

Story by Robert Thomas - Photos reader submitted

In scenes reminiscent of the former Providence Hospital from a generation ago the former site of the Valley View Centre is being vandalized, become a destination for the trespassing curious and picked clean by petty thieves in half ton trucks.

But exactly what is going on at the former Valley View site is unknown by the City.

“I have heard some information on that building,” city manager Maryse Carmichael said in response to questions by MJ Independent at Monday’s post Council news conference.

Asked about the rumour that Carpere Canada is set to walk away from the facility Carmichael said she had not heard that.

“I haven’t heard that rumour. It is always something we continue the discussion with Carpere like any other investors in the city. I haven’t heard that.”

What was a well mowed and trimmed lawn around the entry sign when the Province owned the facility is now an unmowed lawn

When asked about if the City was aware the metal entry gates had been removed and there was no longer a security patrol at the facility Carmichael said “we’ll make sure we talk to them.”

Located on the southern edge the former government institution which housed people with intellectual disabilities the Valley View Centre was closed in September 2019.

The institution closed when the care model for people with intellectual disabilities shifted from the large institutional to a community based care model.

In September 2020 Carpere Canada acquired the property from the provincial government.

A side entry door is left open

Plans called for Carpere to incorporate the then intact existing facilities into its development plans for the property.

The project was also to include town house developments in what has been called one of the most pristine parcels of land in the city.

The project bogged down on several issues.

One issue was the City asking Carpere to share costs for the repair or replacement of the then closed 7th Ave SW bridge.

There was also a dispute as to the road allowances and providing access for two families living adjacent to the Valley View property.

The payment of offsite development levy charges - charged to all new developments (except in certain circumstances) to pay for access roads, recreational facilities and connecting infrastructure - and what they would be spent on was another sticking point between Carpere and the City.

Windows are busted out throughout the facility allowing the elements inside the main building

Additionally there were problems for Carpere in getting the zoning changes they wanted.

Metal gates Carpere had erected at the entry of the property through Wakamow Valley have been smashed down and removed now that the area is accessible by bridge through the Wakamow Valley.

Residents have told MJ Independent that while they were out walking on the site they witnessed what appeared to be theft from the property.

They described multiple half ton trucks race up to the buildings quickly load up what appeared to be piled up copper and other scrap metal and quickly drive away in broad daylight.

Vandalism and theft was first reported close to a year ago.

In an August 9th, 2023 article Moose Jaw Today reported Carpere at that time estimated vandals had done $1 million in damages to the facility.

Since then additional damage to the facilities has occurred.

Another resident said while out biking they witnessed youth come out of the buildings covered in paint in what they assumed was the youths just committing vandalism.

Electric entryway doors are pried open and an old mattress is left scattered on the ground

The probable stripping of scrap materials raises concerns as the spectre of asbestos insulation remaining in the Valley View buildings which insulated heating and other pipes.

None of the people witnessed coming out of the buildings were wearing masks or other protective gear according to people who spoke to MJ Independent.

Asbestos is a well known carcinogen.

According to a source familiar with the Valley View property - who asked to remain anonymous so as to stay on good terms with all parties - the buildings are rife with asbestos insulation.

The cost of asbestos remediation for the property prior to its closure was estimated to be in the millions with the remediation cost of a single cottage estimated to be $1 million the source said.

Attempts to contact Carpere Canada about the Valley View site were unsuccessful prior to publication.

Entry points to the buildings are clearly marked No Trespassing Private Property but the signs are not a deterrent to vandals, thieves and the curious

Editor’s Note - The photos supplied for this report were unsolicited and provided by a concerned resident who is concerned about people potentially getting hurt, the apparent wanton crimes being committed and who potentially could get stuck with any cleanup bills on the property.

MJ Independent in no way encouraged the photo taker they did it on their own initiative

A broken bicycle along with what appears to be someone’s successful looting lays abandoned in a parking lot

Windows in entry doors to the Phoenix Wing are broken out

Windows are apparently broken out by vandals and by the spray pattern of the broken glass outwards away from the building it appears they were busted from the inside of the building

Power is still on to at least some of the buildings as some of the interior lights have been left on - a potential hazard to electrical wire thieves

Row upon row of second floor windows have been busted out victims of vandalism

moose jaw