Rhino’s Ramblings - Three Things To Look For

By Robert Thomas Opinion/Commentary

With the civic election now over there are questions or rather issues the City of Moose Jaw must deal with in very short order.

New Landfill - Annexation Likely

Despite not being an issue in the recent municipal election campaign the City still needs a new landfill.

With the RM of Moose Jaw turning down the City’s discretionary use application the issue is seemingly up in the air. But is it really?

We were told months ago by City Manager Maryse Carmichael that an update would be coming this past summer. But guess again.

There was no public information release as the issue was seemingly shelved and the City struggled to find a Plan B.

From our sources within City Hall MJ Independent has learnt the City is aiming towards annexation of the land from the RM of Moose Jaw into being part of the city.

By doing this there is no need for a discretionary use application and the City can virtually do what it wants to with the land.

Budget, Budget, Budget

The City of Moose Jaw’s voracious appetite for property owners hard earned cash is about to go on unabated.

With Chief of Police Rick Bourassa vehemently defending a whopping 7.43 percent operating budget increase the heat is now on.

Don’t expect a lot of pushback from Council when it comes to the budget request from the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS).

This despite some very serious internal problems from a few bad apples and rumours of more waiting in the wings.

Add to this the overall city budget Council is set to face a three to four percent property tax increase. Plus additional pressures for a levy to repair the crumbling storm sewer system be prepared to shell out a lot more.

The recommended 2025 budget has already been set but the full release of it was delayed until after the election.

A spinoff from this is none of the details became part of the recent election campaign.

Smart for Administration but not good for local democracy.

Look for a real property tax increase of eight percent or more for homeowners once tax sharing and tax tools are employed.

Also if the trend follows look for an increase in the growing number of residential properties into problems with the City tax department.

The Hidden Court Case - Shhh It’s A Secret

For those who aren’t aware there is an ongoing court case about who owns the old Blackwood Hardware Building and adjoining strip mall on the 100 block west of Manitoba Street West.

Here is a brief synopsis of what has transpired so far.

At the present time the City is trying to wrest control of the two buildings on the 100 block of Manitoba Street West for what they say is non-payment of property taxes.

Whereas the owner says the City is incorrect as he did pay his outstanding property tax when given a final opportunity.

It all goes back to a property tax assessment when the value of the two properties moved from about $700,000 to $1.7 million literally overnight.

The property owner started a property taxation protest and declined to pay about $160,000 in back taxes.

In what is claimed as a property grab gas the City moving quickly to obtain ownership of the properties.

Then the City made a serious mistake and sent out a final property tax payment request to which the property owner paid in full.

Months went by until the City offered to return the property tax payment to which the property owner said “nuts” to.

So the entire matter is now before the Court of King’s Bench with what looks like a pending loss to the City.

The legal file on this one is lengthy as the saga continues.

Now here is where the rumour mill begins.

Why did the City of Moose Jaw conduct an expensive traffic and parking study around the Moose Jaw Events Centre and then not release it?

Could it be the buildings are being slated for a new multi-million dollar parkade??

Keep your eyes focused on this one.

moose jaw