SCRAPS - Please Be Responsible Pet Owners

💔Tails of TNR …….

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

Shelters and rescues overflowing … Abandoned, homeless unaltered Cats with their kittens trying so hard to survive in the hidden corners of our community.

SCRAPS is at the front lines of a heartbreaking surge of Cats and kittens who have no homes, who have NO ONE caring for them.

We speak of the outdoor Cats…… then there are countless being taken to shelters - no longer wanted, families “too busy”, moving and new places not taking pets (please search around carefully as many DO!), allergies…. the list goes on.

Animals taken in as companions/friends during the lonely years of COVID, no longer needed, so many dropped off pregnant or with kittens.

Not spayed or neutered, responsibility of guardian neglected, are these animals who trusted, depended and attached to their families only disposable friends?

Fear, anxiety and sadness seen in so many frightened faces …… like this newly rescued SCRAPS kitten.

Please think of your fur family in your choices - YOUR decisions impact their lives.

Please adopt from rescues like SCRAPS Cats/kittens who are altered/fully vetted, choose pet friendly rental homes.

Make these decisions very carefully….. they are NOT disposable.

Please most importantly - SPAY & NEUTER.

Not only will your animal companion live a healthier and happier life, you will join in reducing overpopulation if animals who are abandoned and discarded it the many who are euthanized across our country for the simple reason of not having a home.

“Compassion in Action” - let it begin with YOU♥️

moose jaw