Curl Moose Jaw Offering Fun Spiel For Grades 3 - 12

The Emphasis is on Having Fun

By Robert Thomas

If you have some curling experience and you are school age - elementary or high school - and want to go out for a day of fun then Moose Jaw curling is offering an event tailored to you.

On Sunday February 26 from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm Curl Moose Jaw is offering Fun Curl or a Youth Fun Bonspiel at Moose Jaw Curling Centre.

Danielle Sicinski event co-organizer said the event pairs up curlers - Grades Eight and up with curlers Grade Three and up - in a Fun atmosphere.

“We are having a fun curl or fun bonspiel. The quotation marks are around “fun” as I think its important for kids to go out and have fun,” Sicinski said.

She said it is not a learn to curl event but rather open to curlers from Grades Three and up with some curling experience.

“The idea is try to pair the younger kids with kids who are older. Pair up the younger kids from Grades Seven and under and try to pair them up with kids who are Grade 12 and under.”

She said if there was a team made up with experienced Grade Sevens and wanted to play together they were more than welcome to.

The bonspiel consists of three games that are three ends in length.

There will also be a hot dog and fries lunch included as part of the $15 per child cost.

A pick a prize is also included with the entry fee.

Sicinski said she was not aware if Moose Jaw had held an event like this before but it was one she participated in growing up in the Spy Hill and Langenburg area.

“Talking to the other parents this is what they use to do too. Where the older kids kind of skipped the younger kids to give them that experience.”

Sicinski said it was something she did lots as a child and as she got older she and others would move into skipping

“It was fun to see the kids to improve every year too.”

“I’m hoping for the kids to have fun. To create that community with kids too.”

At the present time there is a fun league for younger children but they don’t play at the same time as older children. So getting the two groups together in a fun environment is a great way to create a community, she said.

Despite hearing about curling not being a sport gaining numbers - especially younger people - the same is not true in Moose Jaw.

The sociable nature of curling is important and helping to bring younger curlers out.

“We’ve have done a fairly good job with our youth league and our fun curl these last couple of years. We have kept the numbers fairly up the last couple of years. I think a lot of it just goes back to curling it’s such as sociable sport. If you want to be recreational or competitive it’s just about going out and enjoying it,” she said.

For curlers who don’t have equipment brooms and sliders will be provided but curlers must wear clean indoor shoes.

Children in Grade Five or under are required to wear a helmet - bicycle or hockey are two examples - for safety reasons.

For more information please refer to the event poster in this article.

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