SADD Looking To Add Moose Jaw Chapters

By Robert Thomas

New funding from SGI to Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) Saskatchewan means the organization will be out looking to add more Moose Jaw school chapters.

Recently SGI provided $85,000 in new annual funding to SADD Saskatchewan. The funding will allow SADD to create a new position for outreach and creating new chapters across the province.

The effort to set up new chapters will also include Moose Jaw where there is presently one active SADD chapter at Central Collegiate.

Tim Spelliscy is the provincial director for SADD Saskatchewan and says the new funding from SGI will allow the organization to set up new chapters in Moose Jaw schools.

“Our plan is to have our new SCHOOL Outreach Coordinator contact schools in Moose Jaw to start new Chapters to help in the fight against drinking and driving in their school and local communities,” Spelliscy told MJ Independent in an email.

“Currently we just have one Chapter in Moose Jaw at Central Collegiate, so we definitely need more,” he said.

Despite the efforts to crackdown and educate drivers about not driving impaired it still remains the leading cause of fatal collisions in Saskatchewan.

Statistically the 19-24 age group has the largest proportion of impaired drivers in the province.

Engaging school-age youth helps establish and reinforce the importance of always finding a safe ride home and equips them to make good decisions as adults, SGI said in a release announce the funding to SADD Saskatchewan.

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