Vanier Hosts Annual Career And Post Secondary Fair

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This past Monday Vanier Collegiate held their Annual Career and Post Secondary Event.

A must attend for Grade 11 and Grade 12 students the event offered students, as well as their parents in the evening, to learn about educational programs offered from a wide variety of post secondary institutions.


  • We had 18 programs.

  • All grade 11 and 12 students participated in the afternoon sessions.

  • Great way for students to explore options, career pathways and post-secondary options ranging from trades, work, college and university to name a few.

  • It is a great event especially for grade 11’s so they can be more mindful when they are registering for classes, and grade 12’s who some are currently applying for school this month.

  • We do this event every year to help students and parents learn about the unlimited possibilities for options after high school. It can be overwhelming at times but this is a great event to get the conversation going.

  • We hope that those conversations will continue in the home and in the classrooms so that students can feel engaged in what they are doing now and in the future.

There were a number of testimonials from the students who attended.

Waverley Demassi Grade 11:  “I liked the different options of schools and it helped you me explore areas of interested. I am more excited about the future now.”

Kate Waldenberger Grade 12: “It was good to see the variety of career paths and programs at schools. It was nice having it right here in our own school as well.”

Rose Miko Grade 12: “I attended the Moose Jaw Fire and EMS session, I appreciated how interesting the presentation, and how much they enjoy their career. It made me consider those as options as well for the future.”

moose jaw