Questions Asked About Highway Repairs

By Robert Thomas

With minor and temporary repairs helping to smooth out 9th Avenue SW (Highway 363) this fall the question has come up if there was going to be temporary weight and uniform speed restrictions on the roadway.

The roadway at the far south end of 9th Avenue SW - where it joins into Highway 363 - is seriously degraded in the causeway area due to slumping. It’s been this way for years much to the chagrin of motorists.

Councillor Crystal Froese asked if there were plans afoot to temporarily restrict the roadway from semi traffic until scheduled major repairs occur in 2024.

Councillor Froese said having seen and driven over the roadway it might be a “wise restriction.”

Gravel has been laid down and a 70 km/hr speed limit been applied to the section of road - MJ Independent photo

Director of engineering Bevan Harlton said he had been leaving that decision in provincial hands.

“I have been leaving the responsibility of limiting, potentially limiting traffic or closing that road to the Ministry of Highways with a lot of communication from myself. It’s not something I’m seeking to remove the City from however it is incumbent on them to make that decision it is their responsibility,” Harlton said.

He said he would supply a brief answer once he met with the project manager from the Ministry.

Director of Engineering Services Bevan Harlton - MJ Independent file photo

Councillor Froese asked if there was going to be a uniform reduced speed on the slumping area in need of repairs.

“Is there going to be a set speed limit because right now it’s 50 (km/hr), 40 (km/hr), 30 (km/hr) in there?,” she asked, adding “are we going to set up an actual speed limit in there until the part is completed next year?”

The major repairs on the stretch of roadway that has seriously slumped was preliminarily announced for the fall of 2023 but was put over to 2024 due to budgetary reasons and concerns regarding graves in the area.

“I think that’s best left for our operational staff to have a look at after the work occurs. I know that through their own decision that we have repeatedly put speed reduction signs of 30 kilometres and that’s been our position but we’ll see how it looks after this small amount of work occurs by Highways,” Harlton replied.

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