Horse Vaulting Runs This Weekend

Horse Vaulting - Golden Mile Arena on the Moose Jaw Exhibition Grounds 250 Thatcher Drive East

Saturday and Sunday - October 1st and October 2nd

This weekend the sport of horse vaulting invades the Golden Mile Arena (located on the Moose Exhibition Grounds 250 Thatcher Drive East) as the Saskatchewan Equestrian Vaulting Association is holding their annual show.

Forty-one competitors and nine horses from across Saskatchewan with one club from Olds, Alberta are here for two days of competition.

The events start at 9 pm daily and runs until 5 pm as children from the ages of 4 - 16 compete in compulsory and free style competitions.

Horse vaulting is an athlete completing various gymnastics and dance moves while on horseback.

The event is FREE and all spectators are welcome.

Additionally organizer Sherri Anne Hanley said if she is not busy with the competition she will willingly discuss the sport to anyone interested in it.

At one time Moose Jaw had a local club but it disbanded but with there being interest locally the association would like to see members once again here.

All that anyone attending is people use proper etiquette and do not cheer while the competitors are actually vaulting so as not to spook the horses.

moose jaw