Accused In July Stabbing Resolves One Charge Against Him

The man accused of a July 8th stabbing on the 0 block of Manitoba Street East was once again back in Moose Jaw Provincial Court Tuesday morning and there was movement regarding the charges he is facing.

Colewyn Terrell Montana is charged with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon.

Additionally he is charged with common assault from an alleged incident in November 2021 and failure to appear in court on that charge.

The case had been adjourned for one week to allow defense counsel Estes Fonkalsrud to obtain disclosure from the Crown. The defense in criminal matters has the right to disclosure of all evidence against the accused as a means to help ensure greater justice.

On the issue of the common assault charge against Montana was referred to the John Howard Society’s Alternative Measures program. Montana is to re-appear on that matter on December 14th to determine if he successfully completed the program.

If he succeeds by fulfilling the requirements of the Alternative Measures program the charge will be dropped.

Fonkalsrud requested the aggravated assault charges to be set over to September 6th.

“It will be a motion to resolve some if not all of them (charges),” he told the Court.

Montana is not in custody but remains out on conditions until his next appearance in Moose Jaw Provincial Court at 9:30 am on September 6th.

His conditions of release are:

  • abstain from alcohol and non-prescription drugs

  • no contact with the three victims (one from the July 8th incident and two from an earlier assault charge)

  • stay 15 meters away from the victims, residence, place of employment or place of schooling

  • do not possess weapons and he can only use a knife to eat at home or a restaurant

  • not being at a business whose primary business is the sale of alcohol

  • remain in good behaviour

  • there is no condition to report to probation

  • there is no curfew

As with all criminal court matters the accused is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

moose jaw