Accused In Stabbing Set Over One Week

The man accused of a July 8th stabbing on the 0 block of Manitoba Street East will have to wait another week in order to speak to his lawyer about the case.

Appearing before Judge Brian Hendrickson the accused Colewyn Terral Montana appeared in court dressed in a white dress shirt, tie, black dress pants and finely polished dress shoes while his lawyer Estes Fonkelsrud appeared by telephone.

Montana was accompanied by a woman - both were highly respectful of the Court.

Estes explained to Provincial Court Judge Brian Hendrickson that he had just received disclosure from the Crown and needed to review it with his client.

“We just received disclosure and we’re reviewing it I suggest this be moved to the 16th of August,” Fonkelsrud requested. He indicated he had yet to speak to his client about the disclosure.

The Canadian court system demands that the Crown must disclose to the defense all evidence they have on the accused. It is a right to help ensure that proper justice is served.

The request was agreeable to Provincial Crown Prosecutor Rob Parker and Federal Crown Prosecutor Connor Ferguson.

Montana is not in custody but remains out on conditions until his next appearance in Moose Jaw Provincial Court at 9:30 am on August 16th.

His conditions of release are:

  • abstain from alcohol and non-prescription drugs

  • no contact with the three victims (one from the July 8th incident and two from an earlier assault charge)

  • stay 15 meters away from the victims, residence, place of employment or place of schooling

  • do not possess weapons and he can only use a knife to eat at home or a restaurant

  • not being at a business whose primary business is the sale of alcohol

  • remain in good behaviour

  • there is no condition to report to probation

  • there is no curfew

As with all criminal court matters the accused is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

moose jaw