GAX Is Open To Everyone As Gaming Numbers Increase
Moose Jaw Gamers Association
Semi-Annual Gaming Expo (GAX)
July 22nd - 24th, 2022 Moose Jaw Cultural Association
Being called a nerd or a geek may have been an insult in the past but today for many gamers it would be seen as a badge of honour if they heard it chuckled Talon Regent, Sponsor and Media Relations spokesperson for Moose Jaw Gamers when asked about the return of Moose Jaw Gamers semi-annual Gaming Expo ("GAX").
GAX is making its’ return to Moose Jaw after a two year hiatus because of the COVID - 19 pandemic. The event is open to everyone from the ages of 12 until over a hundred this July 22nd to July 24th.
“This is the province’s longest running and fastest growing expo of its kind. It has been growing year over year for a better part of a decade and this year is going to be no different.”
GAX is not just for people affectionately know as nerds and gaming geeks but is open to everyone and will feature a wide variety from virtual computer gaming, to role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons right down to board games such as Monopoly and card games like hearts and cribbage.
“This is not just for geeks and nerds but most of us would proudly identify as geeks and nerds it is for everyone,” Regent said, going on to add GAX attracts many professionals such as lawyers, engineers and other people from many walks of life.
“Although we might identify as geeks and nerds I don’t think I had an attendee tell me their attendance has been anything less than fantastic.”
The gaming activities are wide ranging and there is something for everyone.
“We have tons of events. We have virtual reality gaming, computer gaming, console gaming. We have got Mario Kart tournaments, Super Smash Bros tournaments. We have table top gaming. We have Magic The Gathering. We have got Pokemon cards, Dungeons and Dragons and I could go on but we will be here all day,” Regent said.
He went on to state gaming, once a niche market, has developed into a highly popular mainstream industry and activity for everyone.
It’s something backed up by statistics from that states 2.6 billion people play computer games around the world. Not to be outdone the predictions are for board games to grow a staggering 17 percent from 2019 to 2023 with the pandemic actually fueling the growth.
An example locally is the game Dungeons and Dragons that rose to prominence in the early 1980’s which has recently exploded in popularity locally.
“I don’t know what is causing it, but Dungeons and Dragons (D and D) is growing in popularity in Moose Jaw and across the province at an immense rate,” Regent said, adding “I think it is the idea of togetherness. You can do socializing. You can do it nowadays very effectively via the Internet and being able to escape from the mundane day to day world we have.”
Playing on the LAN at a previous GAX - photo supplied by Moose Jaw Gamers
He estimated there was at least 300 people actively playing Dungeons and Dragons in Moose Jaw - or just under one percent of the city’s population.
The February 2022 semi-annual GAX was “a roaring success,” Regent said.
“We attribute it to when COVID restrictions were lifting and things were not so mandatory at the time, people wanted to get out and socialize and play board games with one another again. Many people fought through a really intense blizzard to get to GAX in February 2022 but we were glad to have them.”
Cost for the event is $20 for the three days and an additional $10 will get you access to the Local Area Network (LAN) for a total ($20 general admission plus $10 for LAN access) of $30.
Participants accessing the LAN must bring their own computer.
The three day admission price also includes free pizza on the Saturday evening.
“With your $20 general admission you have access to everything except the LAN. Everything except the computer gaming,” Regent said, adding “for an additional $10, a $30 admission, will get you a dedicated LAN space.”
GAX is providing everything else for those not interested in computer gaming - D and D character sheets, dice, Magic the Gathering Cards, classic board games and cards.
For those who like to play classic board games they will be part of GAX. Regent said “absolutely” those who may not be computer savvy and enjoy board games are more than welcome.
“We have classic board games like Monopoly, Settlers of Catan I would say is a classic these days and I have seen RISK there before.”
Snakes and Ladders is popular classic board game
There will also be regular playing cards for those who would like to play games like Cribbage and Hearts.
The event is geared for everybody from 12 years of age and up. Although those who are 12 - 16 years old will need parental supervision to participate.
“The average age would probably span from 16 years old to about 50 years old but we frequently have people under 16 we just like to mention anyone from 12 to 16 needs parental supervision."
The oldest person to attend GAX in the past, pre - COVID, was 97 years old.
“When we say this is open to all ages we have got a pretty wide (age range) of number of people who attend,” Regent said.
Asked about how he felt about being able to hold GAX again in a restriction free environment Regent said it was a great feeling.
“I feel incredibly overjoyed to be able to do this again. I along with the rest of the core gamers that make up our board and dedicated volunteers we are all eager to get back at it. We are all eager to start gaming in person again and being able to do that in a large space with a large group of people who are all there interested in the same thing.”
People attend GAX from not just Moose Jaw but from all over Saskatchewan and elsewhere. Participants have come from seven provinces, two territories and into the United States as well.
Asked if someone had out of town visitors who were looking for something to do if they were welcome Regent said the event would gladly welcome them.
People are encouraged to pre-register for GAX - but it is not a requirement to attend.
Those who pre-register before July 18th at are entered into a draw for an early bird prize. The early bird prize is yet to be selected but typically has a value of between $50 and $100.
You do not have to pre-register and can pay at the door to access the event.
The event runs:
Friday, July 22 – Doors open at 3:00pm and go until Midnight.
Saturday, July 23 – Doors open at 8:00am and go until Midnight.
Sunday, July 24 – Doors open at 8:00am and wrap up at 5:00pm, with clean up to follow (help is always appreciated and accepted).
Proceeds from GAX go to a charity. The charity selected this year is Creative Kids.