Question Asked About Construction Around Sunningdale School
An oversight is the reason given why contractors were working on road and sidewalk repairs in front of Sunningdale School during the school year and not in July or August when school is out.
At this Monday afternoon’s regular Council meeting Councillor Doug Blanc asked if the City did not have a policy about work in front of schools during the school year and why work was on-going now in front of the school and not during the summer?
“I have been asked why are the sidewalks being ripped up there (Sunningdale School) certainly when the school is in, why they could not be waited to (do) until July and August because a lot of parents drop off at that location,” Councillor Blanc asked.
A photo shows a section of concrete sidewalk replaced right in front of Sunningdale School. At a glance it looks like the work has already been completed except for the clean up of excess materials - MJ Independent photo
Responding for Administration city manager Jim Puffalt said it was an oversight by the City.
“Certainly oversight on our part. Our standard procedure is to try to stay away from (working around) schools during while the schools are in session. We’ve made a mistake so we corrected that by stopping all of the work there. We are not going to pave in front of the school until July,” Puffalt said.
“It is certainly our mistake and we talked to the principal on Friday to express our regrets on a decision being made.”
A pile of gravel remains cordoned off until school is out for summer - MJ Independent photo