Alleged Misuse Of SaskTel Corporate Card Leads To $18,558.30 Loss

A former employee charging up personal expenses over a four month period resulted in a loss of $18,558.30 loss to SaskTel.

In the most recent quarterly report of losses from provincial government institutions the loss allegedly came over a four month period November 2020 - February 2021.

In the description of the loss the Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan (CIC) reported a SaskTel employee charged up personal items on the corporate credit card and failed to make repayment.

The misuse of the credit card resulted in an investigation by corporate security who called in the employee who allegedly made the charges for a March 1st, 2022 interview. When the employee failed to appear for the interview the employee was terminated with cause.

As a result of the alleged loss the former employee’s final paycheque had $3,633.99 withheld from it.

The incident has been reported to the police. SaskTel is reviewing its litigation options to recoup the outstanding funds from the former employee.

As a result of the incident changes have been made to help ensure it does not happen again.

First a direct message will be sent to managers if a statement for a corporate credit card assigned to an employee is not submitted within seven days of the statement’s issue date.

Secondly failure to submit a statement within two weeks of the credit card’s statement date will result in the card being temporarily locked until the expenses are submitted to the employee’s direct manager.

The alleged misuse of a SaskTel corporate card is the only loss reported by the Province, the CIC and provincial colleges.

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