Mayor OK With Potatoes, Petunias and Peas On Public Property

By Robert Thomas

Discussing moving snow from drainage infrastructure for homeowners along the west side of Hoidges Crescent Councillor Jamie Logan said it was a good lesson for people to move property that encroaches on City property.

“Different citizens have complained the City got after them for encroaching outside their fence line. Not at this location but this just brings me to my point down the street from my house there was a gentleman who had some things out back and the Coty says ‘hey you can’t do that’ and he’s mad. This is why we tell you, you can’t do things like that in an emergency situation we need to come down this drainage ditch we can do that effectively,” Councillor Logan said.

During the post Council media scrum MJ Independent asked questions on the encroachment crackdown especially given statements made by the previous administration about homeowners growing produce and flowers on adjacent City owned property.

SEE RELATED - City To Get Tough On Encroachment

In the questioning Mayor Clive Tolley when asked by MJ Independent on how he felt that people growing a few vegetables on boulevards, back alleys and adjacent City property was a good thing.

“I lived in a neighbourhood where one gentleman planted potatoes between his fence and the alleyway and every year he got a nice potato crop from there and whether he was able to use that all himself or donate it to the neighbours I am not certain. No I think those kinds of things are great,” Mayor Tolley said.

“Help maintain and beautify our community property if you happen to live next to it to me in most cases, I think there are some exceptions, but in most cases I think is a favourable thing and something I would encourage,” he said.

“We are all about having a clean and beautiful city and producing food so if you can make use of a little bit of space around your property, perhaps if you are not sure what you are going to do is the right thing to do you can call City Hall and some questions and perhaps seek some permissions for what you plan to do.”

When it comes to trampolines, swing sets and vehicles though the City would like to see those removed especially before the snow falls to allow the City to clear snow more efficiently and effectively without worrying about what is hidden by the snow.

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