November Safety Spotlight Nabs Over 300

New Year's Eve might be a time where there is a lot of partying and celebrating going on but Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) wants people to know the police are out there.

And if November is any indicator it might turn out to be a bad evening out for those who decide to drive impaired as the police have had plenty of practice.

November's Traffic Safety Spotlight targeting impaired driving offences found 342 impaired drivers with some sort of penalty because of it.

There 211 drivers were charged with Criminal Code offences and another 131 were issued administrative suspensions.  

Other results reported by law enforcement in November include:  

·         3,173 tickets for speeding and aggressive driving. 

·         277 tickets for seatbelt and car seat offences.  

·         494 tickets for distracted driving, including 425 for using a mobile device. 

 For those looking for a safe ride home SGI is once again offering free transit services in Moose Jaw and other major cities.

moose jaw