Man Fails At Suspended Sentence Receives Criminal Record

A man who failed to follow any of the conditions of a conditional sentence has been handed a criminal record.

Appearing in Moose Jaw Provincial Court on Monday morning Daniel Titterington will now have a criminal record for common assault after not following the reporting conditions of an initial April 2021 sentence.

If Titterington had followed those conditions he would right now criminal record free.

According to Crown Prosecutor Rob Parker when sentenced in 2021 Titterington “did not report his whereabouts” and “nor register for public service.”

“He had basically not done anything,” Parker said.

“He will not receive the benefit of a conditional discharge he is going to receive a criminal record” Court was told.

Titterington, who represented himself during the hearing, told Judge Rayner he had spoken to the Crown and was prepared to face the music for his actions.

He told court his actions surrounding what he was accused off was due to addictions issues. Now he was working and looking after his family.

“I was dealing with mental health issues. I was dealing with drugs and alcohol at the time…I have a job now and not doing doing drugs and alcohol for a year.”

Speaking to the accused Judge Rayner congratulated him for being sober for one year and turning his life around.

“You presented yourself in a forthright manner…congratulations on all of these positive things.”

Judge Rayner told Titterington he had “received a bit of a break last time you were in court. You got a conditional discharge.”

The Judge went on to sentence Titterington to a suspended nine (9) month sentence with a reporting and whatever requirements probation services might consider necessary.

“No that's reasonable,” Judge Rayner said, adding “and you do what is required of you.”

Titterington was also assessed a $100 Victims Surcharge that must be paid or worked off by January 18, 2023.

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