Moose Jaw Exhibition Briefs

Horses, Horses and Horses

Finding a place to live can be hard when there are low vacancy rates and the same thing can be said when it comes to the number of additional spaces the Moose Jaw Exhibition Association has available for boarding equine tenants this winter.

Speaking to the board George Fowler said the reason for the lack of spaces was because of the lack of available turnout pens available.

Fowler said that although there were plenty of turnout pens at the same time there were limited turnout pens in the great outdoors available thereby eliminating the number of overflow boarders that could be taken in.

The Exhibition feels people with indoor pens should also have access to outdoor pens as well.

Bit Wet Snow And Damages

The October 23rd heavy and wet snowfall wasn’t just needed and necessary moisture but also caused major damages to concession vents on the Golden Mile Arena.

The massive avalanche of snow down the roof did not only cover those parking too close to the Arena but also on its descent damaged the vents.

An earlier upgrade did not prevent the damage this time around.

On a positive note, snow removal contractor Dome Construction managed to clean up the snow efficiently and there was good access to pens and feed for equine tenants.

Cause Of Burrowing Owl Death

The cause of death of burrowing owl Roo was released. An autopsy found the owl died from kidney flavour.

Christmas Lights

Due to the Golden Mile Arena being used heavily the decision was made to only decorate this year. The move is designed not to interfere with the tenants enjoyment of the facility.

The news that the City of Moose Jaw is actively renewing and replacing their Christmas lights with Winter lights has the Exhibition Company asking instead of simply tossing the lights the City give them to the Exhibition Company.

The Exhibition Company can make use of the lights and added more of a Christmas touch to the grounds.

moose jaw