Letter To The Editor - Scott Moe Has Got To Go

Dear Editor:

Scott Mo is not a Conservative; he is an industrialist.

The sooner people realize this the better.

To him total domination by industry is his mission. Industry is his bread and butter; it is his future employment as visions of corporate board appointments dance in his head.

Its the same visions seen by predecessor politicians like Brad Wall and Dwayne Lingenfelter.

To Mr. Moe all other government expenses can be sacrificed to the greater glory of private industry.

He speaks of growing the province when the only growth he has sustained is to homelessness and longer line ups at food banks, to mention a few of his victims.

I cut my teeth on conservatism back in the days of John Diefenbaker. Conservatives back then had a saying they drilled into young minds like mine. “ if it aint broke don’t fix it”.

The Sask. party has “fixed” a number of things that were not broke, things that were working just fine.

Things the provincial population were quite happy with funding like being the sole trusted custodian over public lands, having a functioning provincial transportation corporation, having funding for affordable housing, for homeless shelters, for a smoothly functioning medical and public education system.

Respect for our honored provincial position in a larger functioning community called Canada.

Very telling in their haste to transfer public wealth into private hands was the party imposing a PST.

Six percent of all the commercial activity in the province to balance a budget that is still just a pipe dream.

And the environment.

Well, the only balancing act he had tried there is keeping his head stuck solidly in the sand while trying to sip fine scotch in the board rooms of his major supporters.

The latest sell off notices, by press release, to government liquor store employees and camouflaging that by something equally insensitive like inviting a convicted violent murderer to view the announcement at legislative festivities questions their ethics.

Then defending the invitation and the convicted murderer.

Mr. Moe displays his and his party’s inability for empathy or common sense and shows total arrogance for their powers while publicly displaying their hypocrisy towards their stated vision of being tough on crime.

The mans is a wrecking ball leaving human and environmental devastation in his wake.

Mo should go.

Greg Chatterson - Abernethy, Sask.

The preceding letter is the personal viewpoint of the writer's and not necessarily those of MJ Independent.

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