Salvation Army Looking For Christmas Kettles Volunteers

By MJ Independent Staff

If you are looking for something to do to help out the less fortunate people in Moose Jaw with just a few hours of your time consider volunteering a few hours watching over a Salvation Army Christmas Kettle.

The Christmas Kettle program is held annually worldwide in order to raise money for the local Salvation Army who use the funds for the many community programs they offer to those who are in need.

Nataly Lund is the Christmas Kettle Coordinator for Moose Jaw’s Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign and she says this year the local Salvation Army needs you to volunteer and help out.

Volunteering that helps make Moose Jaw a better place.

“It’s a great way to help have a positive impact for the community and also the future of the community,” Lund said about volunteering.

At the present time the local Moose Jaw Salvation Army is looking for 100 people to come out for a few hours and ring the bells and watch over the Christmas kettles which will be hosted in seven locations across Moose Jaw.

“This is a great opportunity for our city as a community to connect and come together for an honourable cause. All proceeds raised will stay in our city and will go towards the programs that the Salvation Army offer such as the breakfast program which we are facilitating now and the Christmas hampers,” she said.

Funds will also be used for programs held throughout the year to help those less fortunate get back onto their feet.

“Poverty is the root cause that puts dignity out of reach for millions of Canadians, making access to everyday needs, such as food, clothing and shelter, difficult,” a release announcing this year’s Christmas Kettle campaign said.

Lund said that a person does not have to give hundreds of hours of their time to help out. Simply having a couple of hours to spare is enough for a person to help out and make a difference.

“As a non-profit organization we understand that your time is a gift to others, one that we are very grateful to receive. A shift consists of two hours but can be flexible if needed to change,” she said in a release.

She encourages people who have volunteered in the past to come out and help out again as well as people who have never rang the bells beside the distinctive red kettles before.

The shifts are all two hours long but are flexible if need to be to change.

There is no limit on how many shifts an individual can volunteer for.

A person can volunteer for one or a dozen shifts - there is no limit on the number of shifts a person can volunteer for - it is all up to them how much time they chose to give to help the less fortunate.

People 18 years of age and older may volunteer but a parent and a child are welcome to come out together to help out.

Although the positions are voluntary and the main payback a volunteer receives is the satisfaction they have helped others in need all volunteers will receive their choice of a Purdy’s chocolate bar - white or dark chocolate - and a thankyou card.

The Kettles campaign runs this year from November 28th to December 24th with the campaign kicking off on November 28 at 10.A.M. at CO-OP in which our mayor, Mr. Clive Tolley will be present and make the first donation.

The public is invited to attend this event.

How To Volunteer?

If you are interested in volunteering you can email or in person at our location 175 1 Ave NE for a copy of the sign-up sheet before November 16th.

If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please email myself or phone (306) 692-5899 and speak to either Mr. Anik Munshi or Natalie Lund.

“We also want to thank all our previous volunteers and present volunteer this year for volunteering their time to help us with the Christmas Kettle Campaign,” she said.

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