Yara Centre Gets Naming Rights Sponsor
The City has managed to secure a naming rights sponsor for the Yara Centre for the next ten years.
It comes as a welcomed moved as the Fieldhouse portion of what was at one time referred to as the Multiplex project will be known as the Yara Centre for the next decade.
“We are very excited to work with them over the past six or seven months to discuss the continuation of the naming rights. We’re thrilled that they kept their name on it,” city manager Jim Puffalt said in the post Council news scrum.
Yara Centre - MJ Independent file photo
“It has been a great partnership and they are a great corporate citizen. It’s not an issue of if we were going to do it but when were we going to get the paperwork done,” Puffalt said.
Yara will be paying the same as they paid in their initial decade of owning the naming rights to the facility.
“We obviously asked for more but they were more willing to stay at the same amount,” he said.
When it comes to the naming rights on the Moose Jaw Events Centre the search continues to find a naming rights sponsor on the former Mosaic Place.
Mosaic pulled their name off of the building after extending the agreement for an additional or 11th year
“Its going we have a couple of meetings booked before Christmas so we will hopefully have something after that,” Puffalt said.
The City is also looking for a naming rights sponsor on the curling centre which was initially known as the Moose Jaw Ford Curling Centre after the company declined to ink a new deal after the 10 year naming rights sponsorship agreement expired.
Not having naming rights sponsors for the facilities means there are less funds for the facilities’ operating budgets.
An official ceremony will be held this Thursday when Yara signs the new 10 year agreement.
Yara International is a Norwegian company that produces nitrogen and other fertilizers for farmers. They operate a nitrogen fertilizer plant near Belle Plaine with a majority of their workers calling Moose Jaw home.